New-Wave Designer Calendar

This piece draws inspiration from the pioneering work of April Greiman, a designer renowned for her role in bringing the New Wave design style from Europe to the United States. New Wave defied traditional grid-based design rules by embracing angled text, variable font sizes and weights within words, and unconventional arrangements of elements. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun with this.

Key Takeaways

Era-Specific Design

I was aiming to transport the viewer back to the era when this style was popular by putting clean, cut-out-looking geometric shapes and patterns that are emblematic of the era at the forefront of the design.

Color Choices

The choice of bright pink and calming blue in the calendar design represent different phases of time management, with specific colors assigned to milestones, planning, research, and design periods.

Visual Signifiers

As a highly visual creative, I thought it would be fun to add road sign cut-outs as visual signifiers to help draw immediate attention to important dates and transitions on the calendar.

Continue exploring my side projects…


The Power of Educators Digital Collage